28 jun. 2022
Taste Tomorrow er verdens største forbrugerundersøgelse inden for chokolade-, konditori- og bagersektoren. Vi undersøger lokal og global forbrugeradfærd, holdninger og valg, hvilket giver os værdifuld, dybdegående indsigt. Vi er i stand til at bruge denne indsigt til at spore udviklingen af trends og afsløre nye.
I denne artikel fokuserer vi på tre trends indenfor chokolade, som vil være afgørende i 2023.
For at undersøge og måle ændrede adfærd og holdninger, i betragtning af den aktuelle økonomiske og politiske situation, interviewer Taste Tomorrow løbende forbrugere over hele verden. Vores seneste resultater viser, at er fødevarer er i top tre over de kategorier, hvor forbrugerne er mest bekymrede over stigende priser. Interessant faktum, kun 24 % af forbrugerne forsøger at spare penge ved at købe færre chokoladebarer, praliner og andre chokoladevarer, hvilket er det laveste antal i kategorien "sød". Dette tal er højere for desserter og is (25%), slik (27%), kager, konditori og søde varer (29%).
På trods af bekymringen over virkningen af den nuværende markedssituation på deres husholdningsudgifter, er 45 % af forbrugerne ikke villige til at gå efter den billigste chokolade, men bliver ved med at købe produkter af højere kvalitet og produkter de har tillid til.
Nedenfor kan du læse om de tre stærkest globale tendenser, som vores Tomorrow-forskning viser, vil forme chokoladeindustrien i 2023:
The world of chocolate is under scrutiny now as more and more consumers recognize that not all plantations work in a sustainable manner and respect workers’ rights. Sustainable and transparent brands have seen substantial growth over the past years in different parts of the world, which helped increase awareness about the origins of cocoa. Consumers appreciate sustainable brands and Fair Trade initiatives.
Organically grown chocolate also enhances the experience of enjoying chocolate. Interest in natural and organic foods has remained fairly stable, though increased in 2022 and is expected to grow further in 2023. Natural retains a health halo where it dials up permissibility and perceived health benefits of the finished chocolate products.
Carefree indulgence is especially true if chocolatiers manage to decrease the amount of sugar used, or replace it altogether. In recent years, the percentage of the population that believes sugar to be healthy has steadily decreased (from 18% in 2015 to only 13% in 2021). Honey, syrups and coconut sugar are all quoted among consumers as healthier replacements for sugar that make chocolate even more attractive to consumers.
As concerns about the environment, health and animal welfare persist, and with a greater number of plant-based options available, many consumers enjoy indulging in vegan and plant-based foods. So it’s no surprise that plant-based will also become a huge trend in the world of chocolate next year. Chocolatiers and confectionery manufacturers have been developing great alternatives to traditional milk chocolate that can be enjoyed by consumers who are following a plant-based diet, but will also seduce traditional milk chocolate lovers.
In short: premium chocolate-based recipes with natural ingredients and tasty plant-based replacements for dairy chocolates will be able to reach (much) larger audiences in 2023.
Chocolate has been associated with higher levels of endorphins and physical health benefits. Our Taste Tomorrow research shows that consumers actively point out the health benefits of certain foods, both for mental or physical health. “The magnesium in the dark chocolate helps our receptors for oxytocin to function better, and the Vitamin C in the berries, and Vitamin D in eggs help with the production of all our happiness hormones”, one consumer commented on a dessert with dark chocolate mousse and blueberries. Chocolate is traditionally associated with comfort and pleasure. It was also associated with lowering anxiety during the pandemic by many consumers. Search trends for food alleviating anxiety remained high in all languages researched over the course of this year. But in 2023, it will be increasingly turning into a moment of indulgence that is good for the body as well as the mind.
Satisfying these consumer demands may seem difficult, but it’s surely possible. Belcolade offers chocolate of an exceptional quality that is sustainable, sugar-reduced and plant-based, allowing you to add various claims with no need to adapt the process or recipe. Learn more here.
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